If you don’t know where you want to go the chances are you won’t get there! Once you’ve decided choosing and sticking to a good route can be equally difficult. Young athletes in particular benefit from guidance in these areas.
How We Work
Every coaching relationship is unique, focused on the needs of the athlete, but here are three approaches that suit most situations.
The Mindset Hub is a social enterprise and can be flexible on approach and cost to benefit as many athletes as possible.

One - Off
We welcome young athletes who come for one-off or short term help, looking to improve a particular aspect of their mindset, say confidence, focus or resilience. Our aim is to help you progress, excited about what you can achieve.
Event Specific
We regularly help athletes prepare for one specific event, say a competition or trial. We focus on the areas that will help the athlete approach the event with the best possible mindset, typically over 4 coaching calls.
12 Month
Each year we take on a limited number of athletes for a twelve month commitment. We establish a range of aims and ambitions focused on the challenges that lie ahead. Flexibility is the key and we will adapt the programme to suit the athlete.
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